If you are suffering from an asbestos-related illness and you have never put in a claim for it, then you may be eligible for compensation.
To bring an asbestos claim forward in the United Kingdom, however, it is necessary to have somebody or something to make a claim against. This may be a person, company or organisation. The vast majority of people suffering from asbestosis or another disease that has been linked to asbestos exposure were exposed to asbestos while at work. Blue and brown asbestos – which are the deadliest forms – were widely used from 1960 to 1985 in the construction industry. White asbestos, which is also dangerous, was used up until 1999.
And so, in many cases, asbestos claims are with employers that stopped trading many years ago. If your asbestos-related illness was caused by a past or present employer, then your claim will be with them. However, it will be processed by their employer’s liability insurance company. It is necessary therefore to investigate the company that stopped trading and to track down their insurance provider in order to bring a claim forward.
If you never worked on a building site and you are suffering from asbestosis, then it may be that you were exposed to asbestos as a child or as a member of the public. Under the circumstances, a significant investigation will be required to track down those responsible.
How long do asbestos claims take to process?
Due to the amount of investigation required with asbestos claims, from start to finish the claims process can take as much as 12 months. However, some claims can be processed in as little as 6, depending on their complexity of them.
How a solicitor can help you with your claim?
If you are suffering from an asbestos-related disease and you are eligible for compensation, then you should seek legal advice from an expert immediately. A specialist lawyer will be best placed to help you, or alternatively, you can call a reputable advice helpline for asbestos where you can get answers to your claims-related questions and get valuable advice.
A specialist solicitor will investigate your claim on your behalf and track down those who are responsible for your asbestos-related illness. They will then build you a strong and compelling case for compensation and push for the maximum payout possible because you are only able to make this claim once. When determining a settlement demand, your solicitor will take into account the type of asbestos-related illness you are suffering from and how your asbestos illness has and will affect your life in the future. The more severe your prognosis is, then generally speaking the more financial compensation you can expect.