Home Improvement

Five Reasons Why Having Indoor Plants Is Beneficial

Five Reasons Why Having Indoor Plants Is Beneficial

Having an indoor garden is a great idea and with so many plants to choose from, we highly advise that you add plants to your home. Plants add life to your home and if you choose the right plants, they can improve your mental health and the air quality within your home. Here are five reasons why you need indoor plants and if you want to learn which plants to pick, you can always check out our website.

1. Improved Air Quality: 

If you are reading this blog, chances are you live in an urban area. And if you live in an urban area, there is a good chance that you don’t have access to a lot of green, natural spaces. Even if you do, you may not have access to them every day. That being said, having indoor plants and flowers can be a great way of improving the quality of the air you breathe. In fact, there have been many studies indicating the positive effects of having indoor plants, and the benefits are immense. Not only are indoor plants great for improving the air you breathe and making it more comfortable, but they are great for purifying the air. Studies have shown that indoor plants can remove up to 87% of airborne particles, including formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene, which are often found in cleaning products and adhesives, and which have been linked to all kinds of health problems, including allergies and asthma.

2. Reduced Stress Levels:

Indoor plants are a great way to improve your mood and reduce your stress levels. It’s believed that a rise in CO2 levels can lead to a greater amount of serotonin in the brain, which can help ease depression and anxiety. In addition to this, the simple act of caring for plants can help reduce stress. Whether you choose to grow a variety of plants or a single plant, it’s a very relaxing activity. You can create a beautiful garden in your home or just place a single potted plant on your desk at work.

3. Increased Productivity:

Some people work better in a quiet, serene space. Others, however, need the bustling sounds of city life to stimulate their minds. According to one study, plants can be the tie that binds. Employees at a call centre with plants in their offices were more productive, less stressed and even more creative than those in a centre without any green life. The study, published in the International Journal of Workplace Health Management, found that fluorescent lights and potted plants had a “strong effect” on employee productivity. The reason for this, the researchers say, is that plants can reduce stress – a major contributor to employee errors, accidents and missed work days. In addition to increased productivity, indoor greenery was found to reduce sick days, boost creativity and enhance concentration.

4. Natural Decor: 

Indoor plants are a great way to add natural decor to your home or office space without breaking the bank. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colours which makes it easy to find one that fits your style.

5. Health Benefits:

Today, it is essential to have indoor plants in order to get fresh air. The presence of indoor plants is also beneficial for the welfare of all family members. Research has shown that, by having indoor plants in the rooms, the concentration and intelligence level of the family members is increased, while the level of stress is decreased. The fact that they are decorative is also an important aspect because they help make the room more beautiful and peaceful. In addition, the presence of indoor plants helps purify the air in the room, and they can remove toxins and harmful substances from the air.

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